Lesson 101
Checking the Hearing Aid or Implant
Points To Remember
2. Check that the program switch is in the correct position before the child wears the device, and the volume is kept at a low setting. Once you have put the device on, turn the volume to the correct setting.Method
Watch the videoclip to see how to do a hearing aid check.
To check the hearing aids
a) Check the batteries
b) Using the stethoscope, hold the device so that the microphone is within 12" of your mouth.
c) Listen to yourself saying the sounds { m, oo, ah, ee, sh, s } which span the range of speech frequencies. Say these sounds at a normal conversational loudness.
d) You should be able to hear each sound clearly, without any static. Each sound should be about the same loudness when you listen.
e) Make sure you check the hearing aid with and without the earmold.
To check the implant processor
a) Use a signal check 'wand' to see if the implant is working. The light on the wand should come on
b) Use the listening earphones that came with your device to listen to the processor. See your manufacturers instructions on where to plug in the earphones.
c) Display lights on the processor will indicate if the processor is working properly. Some manufacturers have audible alarms to let you know when to replace the battery.
For instructions related to your specific implant, go to the appropriate link given below.
Cochlear Corporation
(Go to page 63 of the Freedom manual; use the six sounds given above)
Advanced Bionics
No instructions for a device check are available online; contact the company directlyVideo Clips
What Next
You can move on to Lesson 102. Remember, you should continue to do the hearing aid check every morning.