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It is our hope to have the contents of this website available in as many world languages as possible. This will only be possible with the active participation of volunteer translators. If you would like to participate in this humongous task, please join the EVDC Forum and navigate to the Translation Project area.

If a page on this website is available in other languages, there will be a footnote at the bottom of the page naming the languages in which a translation is available and a link to the translated .pdf file. At this time, it is not feasible for us to convert the website itself into different languages. Hence, we are making the text available as a translated .pdf file. We think this will be useful for non-native English speakers and especially help them understand the finer points of the lessons.

On this page, we would like to recognize the translator who has given their time and effort to help our cause. Please give them a big round of applause and say "Thank you" in your own language!
Volunteer Translator: Marilyn Olsen
Status: Most pages translated
Volunteer Translator: S. K. Rampal
Status: In progress; a few pages translated
Volunteer Translator:
Status: In progress; no pages available yet