Donate !

If you would like to support this nonprofit effort financially, please send an email to

Thank you!

Translate !

Families in many countries around the world, where English is a second language, would find it a great help if this website were available to them translated into their native language. It would help them to understand better the finer points of the lessons found on this website. This, of course, would not solve all the problems associated with teaching their child in their native language (which may have different or additional sounds, intonations, etc., from English) but at least it would help them get a better insight into the process of teaching their child to listen and speak.

The translations will be done by volunteer teams of three or more people, so that each translation (performed by one member) can be checked for accuracy and improved upon by the rest of the team. Each team has a coordinator who will serve as the liaison between the translation team and EVDC.

Please consider joining one of the teams where you can contribute your translation skills. If there is no team yet in your language, consider starting one and recruiting additional members.

Please visit the Translations section of the Forum for more information. See the Translation page for a list of languages and web pages on this site that have been translated.

Participate !

It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a supportive community of families of children with hearing loss. It would be a place where families striving towards the same goal can share ideas and experiences, provide information and guidance, encourage one another, rejoice at each success, and offer a shoulder to cry on when it gets overwhelming (as things do, from time to time). The EVDC forum is a place to do just that!

An important way for you to contribute is to actively participate in the forum, sharing your experience and helping each participant feel that they are not alone in meeting the challenges of teaching their child to listen and talk. Whether you are a parent just starting out or your child has successfully gone through the process and is now an independent verbal communicator, you have something to contribute to the EVDC forum.

Help us help ourselves!

Spread, Spread, Spread the Word !

The most common reason that people don't get help is that

May be you did some research to find this website,
or may be you just stumbled upon it by chance.
Or, may be someone took the trouble to call your attention to this website.

Don't assume that, since you found this website, others will find it somehow!
There are thousands of families who live in far-flung corners of the world (or just next door to you!) who don't know what to do, or whom to turn for help.
You can make a difference by directing them to this website!

Make a list of all families you know (who have a child with hearing loss).
Call them on the phone, send an email, or write a letter!
If there are parent groups in your town/state/country, ask them to publicize this website.
If you visit online forums (related to hearing loss), post a message about this website.
Ask your child's audiologist to share this information with other families she sees.

Thank you!
I Want To Help !
A project of this scope and magnitude cannot be accomplished without the active help and enthusiastic participation of people. Following are some of the ways in which you can help in this experiment to bring together families of children with hearing loss and empower them. Find a way to involve yourself. We need you!